0800 822 3370


Registered charity number: SC032343

Hope Has a Heartbeat



The loss of his beloved Mum, Vi, to oesophageal cancer moved musician David Valentine to  make some serious noise in support of Ochre and our work to raise awareness and save lives. 

We are humbled and ever so slightly thrilled to say that David gathered musician friends and colleagues from far and wide to record a Christmas CD which has sold like hot cakes! Ochre’s Campaign Director, Kate Cunningham met with David close to his Heartbeat recording studio just outside Edinburgh to receive a cheque for an amazing £2200.


David’s band The Hipple People was a regular feature on Glasgow and Edinburgh music scene back in the Swinging Sixties. The CD includes recordings by the Beachcombers - featuring Dave Paton from the band Pilot, Fayne and the Cruisers, This and That (a 9 piece soul band) with guest appearances from John Wykes the lead singer of the Moonrakers, Nobby Clark  the original Bay City Rollers  singer and Colin Chisholm from Bilbo Baggins and recently The Voice!

All the bands and singers chose songs they liked for the Christmas record and it turned out to be a fantastic selection! The CD was a virtual sell out in the lead up to Christmas 2015.

David chose Ochre for the donation after finding us on the internet. Oesophageal cancer loomed large in his life at that time as both his Mum and Jimmy Swan, President of Shrubhill Masonic Club, where The Hipple People perform regularly, died of this oesophageal cancer within weeks of each making it an easy decision which charity to give the proceeds of the CD to. David and his fellow musicians have performed in fund raising shows for other charities in the past. What a wonderful group of people they are!

Kate and cheque.jpg

To David, The Hipple People and the all the stars who have given their time and talent to raise money for Ochre – thank you. We are thrilled to have such illustrious supporters!

Daily Record May 27th

Posted by admin on May 28, 2010